Since my formative years, Nine Inch Nails has been a band I fervently follow. My first real journey into the music came at age 18, a handful of years after I had first seen them live on 1999’s MTV Video Music Awards and the raunch fest that is the “Closer” video played on late night rotations. Fast forward to late 2004 when the band’s fourth full length album With Teeth began circulating music media outlets, and my interest was instantly re-generated. I searched the internet for recommended playlists in anticipation of the album’s release. What immediately drew me to the music in these playlists were the endless waves of jarring guitars, pulsating beats, and synthesizers galore that backed the aggression of leader and sole member Trent Reznor’s vocals. Depending on the tune, you either want to punch a motherfucker in the face or wallow in desolate despair when the composition is just right. (“Hurt” is probably all of industrial rock’s most bleakly depressing s...
All things music. All things that make us move and jingle.